Tell the PUB no to rate hike, says Lane

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor:

The hearings for this rate application will commence today, November 14th. Anyone can make a request to present to the PUB to voice your concerns regarding this application. Just to refresh your memory, this application will among other things, be requesting that the PUB allow the shareholders of Newfoundland Power to increase their maximum allowable return on investment from 8.5% to 9.5 per cent annually. According to reports put out by the media, Newfoundland Power made a net profit of over $40 million last year but apparently that's not enough. In a time when our province is up to its neck in debt, our citizens are taxed to death, unemployment is extremely high, bankruptcies are on the rise, food bank usage is through the roof and many of our most vulnerable citizens are being forced to choose between heat, food and required medications, this application is totally offensive to say the least. I am encouraging anyone that would like to make a presentation to the PUB, to email the PUB's secretary, Ms. Cheryl Blundon at by the deadline of Friday, November 16th. I am further encouraging anyone who is not in a position to make a presentation but wants to have their voice heard on this matter to email their comments to the PUB at by the deadline of Friday November 23rd. In order for comments to be accepted, the email must include the individuals full name and address. This personal information is required for the PUB’s purposes but cannot be shared publicly without the individual’s consent. I am asking all ratepayers throughout NL to take a few minutes and let the PUB know loud and clear that they demand that this application by Newfoundland Power be denied.

Paul Lane, Independent MHA; District of Mount Pearl-Southlands

Posted on November 22, 2018 .